
Association of Family and Conciliation Courts Archives

Is There a Psychopath in Your Divorce? (Part 2)

A recent Association of Family and Conciliation Courts (AFCC) presentation confirmed what many clients and attorneys have already experienced when a psychopathic spouse is involved in divorce proceedings.  The psychopath’s charm and highly developed manipulative skills too often aid the psychopath in completely misleading the court about important issues like child custody. The children often become pawns...

AFCC: Children and Attachment Seminar

Jeanne and Chris attended the AFCC (Association of Family and Conciliation Courts) conference in Chicago from June 6 through June 9, 2012.  The focus of this conference was “Attachment, Brain Science and Children of Divorce: The ABCD’s of Child Development for Family Law.”  The conference attendees and speakers included psychologists, judiciary, attorneys, parent coordinators, mediators,...

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