
hillsborough county family law attorney Archives

Are You Living with a Narcissist?

Many times I have encountered clients who describe initially meeting their marriage partner and being attracted to the amazing confidence, charm, persuasion and control displayed by that person. Over time, the clients describe coming to know someone who is preoccupied with fantasies of power and success, possessing an inflated sense of entitlement, often envious of...

Cyberbullying and Kids: How to Communicate With your Child

When parents and their child/teen work together, cyberbullying can often be prevented or at least minimized or blocked. Regular communication between parent and child/teen about the child/teen’s online/social media usage, coupled with regular parental monitoring of the online/social media usage, can help ensure your child/teen’s safety from cyberbullying. If your child/teen knows that he or...

Does Animal Abuse Link with Domestic Violence?

Since domestic violence is rooted in one person’s need for power and control over another person in a relationship, it’s not surprising that abusive behavior toward animals is often found to go hand in hand with domestic violence. In fact, abuse of family pets can often be a warning sign that family members are either...

On January 6, 2015, circuit court clerks across the state began issuing marriage licenses to same sex couples in response to a federal judge’s ruling that Florida’s legal ban on same sex marriage is unconstitutional. Many court clerks intended to continue performing marriages for both same sex and heterosexual couples, while a few decided to...

What Should Same-Sex Married Couples Think About During Tax Time?

Unless and until federal appellate courts rule differently, a federal judge’s August 2014 ruling that Florida’s longstanding legal prohibitions against same sex marriage are unconstitutional is controlling law in the state. According to the federal judge, court clerks have a legal duty to issue marriage licenses to same-sex couples when his judicial stay expires on...

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