
manipulative skills Archives

Why Do I Feel So Crazy When I’m the Sane One in my Divorce?

No divorce is emotionally painless.  Very few are conflict-free.  But if your divorce — probably like your marriage — falls into the high-conflict category of divorces, you may be married to/divorcing a spouse with a personality disorder and/or is highly manipulative. What is a personality disorder?  My layperson definition would be simply a person whose...

Is There a Psychopath in Your Divorce? (Part 2)

A recent Association of Family and Conciliation Courts (AFCC) presentation confirmed what many clients and attorneys have already experienced when a psychopathic spouse is involved in divorce proceedings.  The psychopath’s charm and highly developed manipulative skills too often aid the psychopath in completely misleading the court about important issues like child custody. The children often become pawns...

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