
safety Archives

What Starts Domestic Violence In A Relationship?

No one really has a firm answer to this question, but many experts agree that certain warning signs are often present in a relationship before domestic violence becomes a reality.  Domestic violence is about power and control. It is a pattern of behavior within an intimate relationship in which the perpetrator may engage in a...

Domestic Violence During the Holidays: Strategies for Safety

Domestic violence is a threat during the entire year, but incidents of domestic abuse increase during the holidays. Think about it: During what other part of the year are stressors like unrealistic expectations, financial pressures, anxiety and depression, and/or exposure to toxic family dynamics any higher? Add extra holiday alcohol consumption to the stewpot of...

May is Bike Month

May is Bike Month. I am an avid cyclist supporting the League of American Bicyclists, the Florida Bicycle Association, and the Rails to Trails Conservancy. Once again I am saddened that 2011 is another year I can’t safely bike from Temple Terrace to my office on South Howard. Please contact your federal and state representatives to support safe...

404 South Howard Ave. Tampa, FL 33606

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