
Our Firm’s Urban Garden of Florida Native Plants

Every time I look out my office window, I can see our urban native plant garden. Being able to look at the explosion of colorful blooms always makes me happy and if I’m having a particularly challenging day, it gives me a broader perspective. The phone call I’m having may be stressful, but I can...

The Meaning of Transgender

As we all come into the world, biology immediately assigns a role identifying “who we are” by gender. For transgender people, their personal sense of being male or female, or gender identity, is opposite or in conflict with the sex they were assigned at birth. The term transgender covers a spectrum of concepts including people...

Divorce Story: “A Caring Legal Team I Could Trust”

When I consulted with Jeanne, I told her I wasn’t happy with my marriage. I had been married for 39 years. You know, we can all love. But when that love doesn’t include happiness, love will die. Jeanne explained how divorce law in Florida requires spouses to split assets 50-50. The facts were pretty cut...

404 South Howard Ave. Tampa, FL 33606

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