
Divorce Archives - Page 9 of 29 - Law Office of Jeanne L Coleman

Announcing: A New Affordable Reduced Rate Collaborative Divorce Program

A recent blog, The Advantages of Collaborative Divorce, discussed the many positive aspects of a collaborative approach to divorce. This multi-disciplinary team approach to dissolving a marriage puts an end to the adversarial court proceedings that can wreak emotional and financial havoc on parties already suffering through a very difficult transition in their lives. Unfortunately,...

Most family law clients prefer to minimize their attorney’s fees, but their actions don’t always match their preference! You may not realize how providing your attorney with incomplete or inaccurate information, leaving vague phone messages, sending continual unnecessary emails, or signing documents without your attorney’s knowledge can increase the amount of time your attorney must...

If you’re contemplating a divorce, chances are you’ve thought about representing yourself instead of hiring an attorney. This would be what’s known as a “pro se” divorce. Pro se is the Latin term for “on one’s own behalf” and signifies an individual is acting as his or her own lawyer instead of hiring one. Today,...

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