
bonding Archives

Timesharing for Infants/Toddlers: Alternate Views

In our last blog, we discussed the traditional view of timesharing for infants and toddles, but in increasingly in recent years, some mental health professionals are in agreement that overnight timesharing with infants and toddlers is a positive experience for both parents and the baby. These experts discredit the more traditional view that overnights should...

Timesharing for Infants/Toddlers: The Traditional View

The extent of overnight timesharing that is beneficial for infants and toddlers is controversial among mental health professionals. Most experts agree that parent/baby bonding is essential with both parents. However, the disagreement lies in how this bonding is best accomplished when parents never or no longer live together. The more traditional view is that the...

AFCC: Children and Attachment Seminar

Jeanne and Chris attended the AFCC (Association of Family and Conciliation Courts) conference in Chicago from June 6 through June 9, 2012.  The focus of this conference was “Attachment, Brain Science and Children of Divorce: The ABCD’s of Child Development for Family Law.”  The conference attendees and speakers included psychologists, judiciary, attorneys, parent coordinators, mediators,...

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