
collaborative divorce program Archives

Collaborative Divorce Q&A

What is a collaborative divorce? Collaborative divorce is an alternative to “fighting it out in court.” Instead of being adversaries – where one side “wins” and the other side “loses” – couples in a collaborative divorce create a marital settlement that both can fully accept. No courtroom appearances are necessary during the process of creating...

Can Custody Agreements be Changed?

Can custody agreements be changed? I have a client whose daughter no longer wants to visit her dad, despite a shared parenting agreement that splits her time with both parents. The daughter is 13 and, as anyone who has raised a child probably knows is entering a time of life when priorities change. For a...

Announcing: A New Affordable Reduced Rate Collaborative Divorce Program

A recent blog, The Advantages of Collaborative Divorce, discussed the many positive aspects of a collaborative approach to divorce. This multi-disciplinary team approach to dissolving a marriage puts an end to the adversarial court proceedings that can wreak emotional and financial havoc on parties already suffering through a very difficult transition in their lives. Unfortunately,...

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