
divorce process Archives

Divorce Story: “A Caring Legal Team I Could Trust”

When I consulted with Jeanne, I told her I wasn’t happy with my marriage. I had been married for 39 years. You know, we can all love. But when that love doesn’t include happiness, love will die. Jeanne explained how divorce law in Florida requires spouses to split assets 50-50. The facts were pretty cut...

Stalking Injunctions in Florida

Most people are somewhat familiar with domestic violence injunctions, but many are not aware that there is a legal remedy when someone you have no relationship with or doesn’t reside with you engages in threatening conduct.   Stalking is legally defined in Florida as willfully, maliciously, and repeatedly following, harassing or cyberstalking another person.  Harrassing...

Many times I have encountered clients who describe initially meeting their marriage partner and being attracted to the amazing confidence, charm, persuasion and control displayed by that person. Over time, the clients describe coming to know someone who is preoccupied with fantasies of power and success, possessing an inflated sense of entitlement, often envious of...

Collaborative Divorce Q&A

What is a collaborative divorce? Collaborative divorce is an alternative to “fighting it out in court.” Instead of being adversaries – where one side “wins” and the other side “loses” – couples in a collaborative divorce create a marital settlement that both can fully accept. No courtroom appearances are necessary during the process of creating...

Can Custody Agreements be Changed?

Can custody agreements be changed? I have a client whose daughter no longer wants to visit her dad, despite a shared parenting agreement that splits her time with both parents. The daughter is 13 and, as anyone who has raised a child probably knows is entering a time of life when priorities change. For a...

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