
experienced divorce attorney tampa Archives

Cyberstalking Injunctions and Free Speech Concerns

Are you the target of cyberstalking or is a cyberstalking charge being made against you? Call Attorney Jeanne Coleman today for a twenty-minute free consultation.  Cyberstalking is a relatively new legal claim with highly specific legal requirements that can best be met or challenged by an attorney knowledgeable in this field. 

Collaborative Divorce Q&A

What is a collaborative divorce? Collaborative divorce is an alternative to “fighting it out in court.” Instead of being adversaries – where one side “wins” and the other side “loses” – couples in a collaborative divorce create a marital settlement that both can fully accept. No courtroom appearances are necessary during the process of creating...

Do you or the spouse you’re divorcing have a Thrift Savings Plan? This is a tax-deferred retirement account for members of the military and federal employees, similar to 401k plans offered by private employers. Participants add to their accounts through regular payroll deductions and the money is placed in investment funds to grow over time....

404 South Howard Ave. Tampa, FL 33606

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