
Experienced Divorce Lawyer Archives

Divorce and Pets in a Childless Marriage

When a divorcing couple has a pet, but no children, the pet can very quickly assume center stage in a fight for “custody” of the beloved pet.  The warring parties may each envision convincing the divorce judge of how much better care he or she can provide for the pet compared to the other spouse, with a decision...

Your spouse is disabled, not employed and has no private disability insurance or reasonably priced health insurance, and you are getting a divorce.  Your family law attorney reviews with you the main public benefit programs that may be available.  They are: Social Security Disability (SSDI) Supplemental Security Income (SSI) Medicare Medicaid Housing Assistance Program Medically Needy Program...

Grandparent Visitation Rights in Florida

This is a tough issue for Florida grandparents blocked from spending time with their grandchildren by one or both of the natural/adoptive parents of the grandchildren. The problem is that the U.S. Constitution and Florida’s Constitution are interpreted by the courts to defeat any legal right to grandparent visitation over the objection of one or...

404 South Howard Ave. Tampa, FL 33606

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