
family lawyer Archives

Cyberstalking Injunctions and Free Speech Concerns

Are you the target of cyberstalking or is a cyberstalking charge being made against you? Call Attorney Jeanne Coleman today for a twenty-minute free consultation.  Cyberstalking is a relatively new legal claim with highly specific legal requirements that can best be met or challenged by an attorney knowledgeable in this field. 

Stalking Injunctions in Florida

Most people are somewhat familiar with domestic violence injunctions, but many are not aware that there is a legal remedy when someone you have no relationship with or doesn’t reside with you engages in threatening conduct.   Stalking is legally defined in Florida as willfully, maliciously, and repeatedly following, harassing or cyberstalking another person.  Harrassing...

Many times I have encountered clients who describe initially meeting their marriage partner and being attracted to the amazing confidence, charm, persuasion and control displayed by that person. Over time, the clients describe coming to know someone who is preoccupied with fantasies of power and success, possessing an inflated sense of entitlement, often envious of...

What Happens to Your Exclusive Use and Possession of the Marital Home When Your Former Spouse Remarries and Dies?

A common award in divorces is the temporary exclusive use and possession of the marital home until the youngest minor child turns age eighteen or graduates from high school.  Usually the divorcing spouses must sell the home and split the proceeds when the period of exclusive use and possession ends.  Rarely is any consideration given...

404 South Howard Ave. Tampa, FL 33606

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