
Tampa Divorce Attorney Archives

No divorce is emotionally painless.  Very few are conflict-free.  But if your divorce — probably like your marriage — falls into the high-conflict category of divorces, you may be married to/divorcing a spouse with a personality disorder and/or is highly manipulative. What is a personality disorder?  My layperson definition would be simply a person whose...

What are the Legal Requirement to File for Divorce in Florida?

Under Florida law, the requirements for filing a divorce action are not complicated. Florida does not recognize “fault,” such as a spouse’s infidelity or squandering of money on an addiction, as a legal grounds for divorce. Florida is a “no fault” state. Instead, Florida requires that your marriage is considered “irretrievably broken.” This fact should...

Divorce Rate: Is it Still Fifty Percent?

It seems to be popular wisdom that one out of every two marriages ends in divorce in this country. But is that still true? A recent report is claiming a reduction in the divorce rate since divorces peaked in the seventies and eighties. In fact, one economist claims that if these rates continue, only one...

404 South Howard Ave. Tampa, FL 33606

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