
Tampa Divorce Lawyer Archives

Monitoring an Alcoholic Parent

Florida divorce law emphasizes the importance of both parents maintaining frequent contact with their children both during and after a divorce. However, when one parent is an alcoholic, the safety and best interests of the child may demand that liberal time sharing be curtailed, that supervised visitation be mandated, and/or that the parent be required...

Timesharing for Infants/Toddlers: Alternate Views

In our last blog, we discussed the traditional view of timesharing for infants and toddles, but in increasingly in recent years, some mental health professionals are in agreement that overnight timesharing with infants and toddlers is a positive experience for both parents and the baby. These experts discredit the more traditional view that overnights should...

Timesharing for Infants/Toddlers: The Traditional View

The extent of overnight timesharing that is beneficial for infants and toddlers is controversial among mental health professionals. Most experts agree that parent/baby bonding is essential with both parents. However, the disagreement lies in how this bonding is best accomplished when parents never or no longer live together. The more traditional view is that the...

Is Cohabitation Illegal in the State of Florida?

In light of recent articles surfacing, unmarried couples who live together in Florida may be very surprised to learn that they are breaking the law. Chapter 798.02, a law that was passed in 1868, prohibits unmarried opposite sex couples are prohibited from cohabiting without marriage. This is a law that is still in the books and...

404 South Howard Ave. Tampa, FL 33606

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