
Tampa Divorce Lawyer Archives

Why Do Pro Bono Work?

Everyone is entitled to a lawyer, right? Right. Each member of The Florida Bar, as part of that member’s professional responsibility, should perform at least 20 hours of pro bono legal service to those who cannot afford private legal services. Along with performing pro bono services, members of the Bar also have the option to make...

Can A Deathbed Marriage be Annuled?

In Florida a marriage can be annulled after the death of one’s spouse if the marriage is found to be void.  A void marriage is treated as if the marriage never took place.  The grounds for establishing a void marriage are bigamy, incestuous marriage, common law marriage entered into after January 1, 1968, marriage between persons...

There was a time when premarital agreements were reserved for the absurdly wealthy and the many-times divorced. Judges and attorneys routinely discouraged “regular” couples from entering into premarital agreements, as these documents were deemed “anti-marriage.” However, this is no longer the case. Today, many couples enter into premarital agreements. Property division A premarital agreement can specify how...

Jeanne L Coleman is a veteran supporter of sustainable and green practices that conserve the environment.  She brings to her office every day her longtime commitment to the environment.  Jeanne and her staff follow green office practices in many areas.  Monthly electric and water usage is carefully monitored.  Non-essential electrical equipment, from printers and scanners to...

404 South Howard Ave. Tampa, FL 33606

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