Earth Day got its start in 1969 when a California senator decided to try to channel some of the passion and idealism of the anti-Vietnam war movement into activism for environmental concerns. His concept included grassroots and individual community planning for the events wanted by each community. So, the first Earth Day effectively organized itself! The original concept focused more on campus events, resulting in the choice of April 22 as Earth Day because it fit nicely between spring break and final exams. The first Earth Day was a huge success, with an estimated 200,000 participants from all walks of life, including many schoolchildren. Many of these schoolchildren grew up to create and work in environmental programs in universities, federal, state and local government agencies, and private organizations, both nonprofit and for profit.
By 1990, Earth Day had gone global. That year, over 200 million people in 141 countries celebrated Earth Day in each community’s unique way. By 2000, the internet spread the celebration to 183 countries. This year, more than a billion people are celebrating Earth Day today.
The theme for this year’s Earth Day is “The Face of Climate Change.” Thousands of events all over the world will emphasize the dire impact of climate change on our beautiful and bountiful Planet Earth. Millions of schoolchildren will be inspired to take better care of our Mother Earth and adults will be inspired and challenged to continue pressing government leaders for environmental protections to be put in place and strictly enforced.
We can all be more pro-active about environmental issues. At a minimum, make sure your children, grandchildren, and your neighbor’s children understand the meaning and importance of Earth Day. Be a good role model by participating in the city or county recycling programs. This is a topic the Law Office of Jeanne Coleman is passionate about. Contact her office if you would like to learn more about Jeanne’s green office practices and lifestyle.