
cyberbullying Archives

Cyberstalking Injunctions and Free Speech Concerns

Are you the target of cyberstalking or is a cyberstalking charge being made against you? Call Attorney Jeanne Coleman today for a twenty-minute free consultation.  Cyberstalking is a relatively new legal claim with highly specific legal requirements that can best be met or challenged by an attorney knowledgeable in this field. 

Cyberbullying and Kids: How to Communicate With your Child

When parents and their child/teen work together, cyberbullying can often be prevented or at least minimized or blocked. Regular communication between parent and child/teen about the child/teen’s online/social media usage, coupled with regular parental monitoring of the online/social media usage, can help ensure your child/teen’s safety from cyberbullying. If your child/teen knows that he or...

Cyberbullying and Kids: What is it?

Bullying behavior has existed as long as people have walked this planet. Bullying is unwanted, aggressive behavior expressed verbally, socially, physically, or often through a combination of these behaviors. Bullies may cruelly tease and say mean things to the victim, spread rumors about the victim, try to embarrass and exclude their victim from social groups....

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