Parents, Practice Positivity!


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The journey of life sometimes takes unexpected twists and turns, especially when you become a parent. Your life at work, at home, as a part of a couple and as a parent will test your resilience and priorities. One important thread that runs through the journey is the need to create a stable, supportive and constructive home environment, especially for children. In spite of life challenges like divorce or the break-up of a family unit, studies show that children who feel emotionally supported with stability in their home life routines demonstrate a strong resilience in making adjustments to change. When emotional neglect occurs, these experiences are often internalized and have a long-term impact.

Surprisingly, research shows that about 80% of children of divorce adapt well to changes in family life and for the most part do not experience prolonged negative effects on their academic achievements, social adjustment, or mental health. Personal comfort and growth are mainly dependent upon strong parental relationships and environmental stability with the basic needs covered for food, clothing and shelter.  Basically, kids just want to feel loved and supported.

For couples with children, maintaining a healthy, constructive relationship is essential. Even if parents do not live in the same house, the ability to peacefully communicate and behave during and after a divorce is important. The effects of negative behaviors like argumentative, emotional outbursts and high conflict may have lasting impacts on the well-being of a child.

Some tips to keep in mind

  1. Practice civility and resolve conflicts in a constructive way, without harsh negativity.
  2. As a parent, be focused in the moment and rely on your personal strengths to help provide a stable home environment.
  3. Routines are important! Establish new ones and hold on to the strong ones from the past that keep order and continuity.
  4. Make plans! Work towards goals and outings by creating a plan to achieve the outcome. Make a list of what needs to be done, by when, and how.
  5. Keep promises and follow-through. When things don’t go as planned, be specific about the reasons and next steps.
  6. Schedule time to take care of your own well-being in addition to others.

At the Law Office of Jeanne L Coleman, we have experience in helping families in stability crisis and listen carefully to help you define your short and long-term goals. If need legal guidance for a family law matter, contact us today for an appointment: 813-253-2820


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