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Is Cohabitation Illegal in the State of Florida?

In light of recent articles surfacing, unmarried couples who live together in Florida may be very surprised to learn that they are breaking the law. Chapter 798.02, a law that was passed in 1868, prohibits unmarried opposite sex couples are prohibited from cohabiting without marriage. This is a law that is still in the books and...

Availability at the Monarch Hotel! Why you should create a monarch butterfly resort in your yard!

The iconic monarch butterfly is experiencing precipitous declines for many reasons:  lack of habitat, GMOs (Genetically Modified Organism) that kill their host plant (milkweed) and logging in the Mexico sanctuary that is altering their overwintering space, for those that migrate.  Overall, there is a 90% decline over a 20-year period. Here in Florida, we have monarchs year round....

404 South Howard Ave. Tampa, FL 33606

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