
Experienced Family Attorney Archives

It’s that time of year again with tax return deadlines looming this month.  For those of you who may be filing as a single parent for the first time and for more experienced filers who could be overlooking some tax breaks offered by the federal government, here is a quick list and brief description of...

Cyberbullying and Kids: What is it?

Bullying behavior has existed as long as people have walked this planet. Bullying is unwanted, aggressive behavior expressed verbally, socially, physically, or often through a combination of these behaviors. Bullies may cruelly tease and say mean things to the victim, spread rumors about the victim, try to embarrass and exclude their victim from social groups....

On January 6, 2015, circuit court clerks across the state began issuing marriage licenses to same sex couples in response to a federal judge’s ruling that Florida’s legal ban on same sex marriage is unconstitutional. Many court clerks intended to continue performing marriages for both same sex and heterosexual couples, while a few decided to...

What Should Same-Sex Married Couples Think About During Tax Time?

Unless and until federal appellate courts rule differently, a federal judge’s August 2014 ruling that Florida’s longstanding legal prohibitions against same sex marriage are unconstitutional is controlling law in the state. According to the federal judge, court clerks have a legal duty to issue marriage licenses to same-sex couples when his judicial stay expires on...

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