
Jeanne Coleman Archives

Marital Misconduct in Your Divorce

Divorces occur for many different reasons.  Since Florida is a “no fault” divorce state, your reasons for divorce aren’t legally important. The only requirement is that your marriage is “irretrievably broken.”  But, don’t be misled by the phrase “no fault.” Even though fault (marital misconduct) is not a legally required basis for divorce, it can...

Divorce Rate: Is it Still Fifty Percent?

It seems to be popular wisdom that one out of every two marriages ends in divorce in this country. But is that still true? A recent report is claiming a reduction in the divorce rate since divorces peaked in the seventies and eighties. In fact, one economist claims that if these rates continue, only one...

Cyberbullying and Kids: How to Communicate With your Child

When parents and their child/teen work together, cyberbullying can often be prevented or at least minimized or blocked. Regular communication between parent and child/teen about the child/teen’s online/social media usage, coupled with regular parental monitoring of the online/social media usage, can help ensure your child/teen’s safety from cyberbullying. If your child/teen knows that he or...

Cyberbullying and Kids: What is it?

Bullying behavior has existed as long as people have walked this planet. Bullying is unwanted, aggressive behavior expressed verbally, socially, physically, or often through a combination of these behaviors. Bullies may cruelly tease and say mean things to the victim, spread rumors about the victim, try to embarrass and exclude their victim from social groups....

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