
Divorce Archives - Page 11 of 29 - Law Office of Jeanne L Coleman

Your Kids and Social Media

We read almost daily about the negative impact of social media on children — cyberbullying, defriending, sexting —- is there anything positive to be said?  The good news answer is yes, according to some research. According to one study, 52 percent of teens using social media reported it as a benefit to their friendships.  Reassuringly, only...

Police Body Cams – Do We Have Privacy Rights?

Many police departments across the state are adopting the usage of body cameras worn by police officers during the performance of their duties. This practice raises interesting and important questions about the privacy rights of individuals being videotaped by police officers. Are there any restrictions on when and where police officers can make these recordings?...

Who Gets the Kids in My Divorce? Part Two

As discussed in prior blogs, there is no such thing as a “custody fight” in divorce under current Florida divorce law.  The goal instead is to promote a quality time sharing for both parents with their children.   That said, time sharing can still be a stubborn hot button for many divorcing parents.  The good news...

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